Balasaheb Thackeray was cremated at Shivaji Park, Mumbai yesterday. He was given full state honours, and several big names from the film fraternity attended the funeral to pay their condolences to the late politician. From Amitabh Bachchan to Vinod Khanna, the who's who of Bollywood was present to bid adieu to the Shiv Sena chief. Sanjay Dutt was seen along with his sister Priya Dutt, and Shreyas Talpade attended the ceremony with his wife. Other B-town folks like Nana Patekar, Riteish Deshmukh, Mahesh Manjrekar and Madhur Bhandarkar too were seen mourning the demise of the fearless leader.
The state paid homage to the leader by draping him with the Indian tricolour. While Uddhav Thackeray lit the pyre and Raj Thackeray was seen breaking down, people from the film industry were seen lending their support to the Thackeray family.
Photos: Yogen Shah
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