Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh is often in the news and mostly for all the wrong reasons. Just when he stepped in the film industry, he was linked to Anushka Sharma, which made big news and then his break up followed which again made it to the headlines. Now he is linked to Deepika Padukone and is always in the news for the same. The latest buzz doing the rounds is that Ranveer and Priyanka Chopra are not getting along well on the sets of
Dil Dhadakne Do because of some past misunderstandings. Also, Ranveer and Anushka are sharing cold vibes too.
The actor is now fed up with the media and doesn't want any more unwanted attention. "I think I get written about a lot. I just go about my life normally and it's always flashed out in tabloids. For me, even that's too much," said an angry Ranveer.
Well, all we can say RS, you chose this profession, so learn to live with the media attention too.
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