Fresh from the positive response to Ekta Kapoor's Ek Villain, Sidharth Malhotra will start preparing for his next film with mentor Karan Johar. This Karan (Agneepath) Malhotra directed film also co-stars Akshay Kumar.
Sidharth reveals: "My next film is very exciting. It has an interesting script and it has lot of scope for two characters. It is about mixed martial arts and fighting so I will have to start training for mixed martial arts soon. I will be getting a trainer."
The tentative title of film is Warrior. While buzz confirms Akshay's presence in the film, Sidharth isn't sure of it. "It is not official yet," he says, "But it will be interesting if he does the film."
Incidentally, there is talk of Sidharth joining up for another Karan Johar film too – the remake of a French film Priceless. However, Sidharth clarifies, "It is on hold, as the script is not finalised yet. Director Tarun Manshukhani is working on it."
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