She is just one film old in Bollywood. But Chashme Buddoor's Taapsee Pannu is playing her cards well. She has just landed a film, Baby, opposite Akshay Kumar and she has Shoojit Sircar's with Amit Sadh about to release.
Taapsee is romancing Amit Sadh not only in the film but also in a TV commercial for the deodorant Wildstone. The twosome are currently making waves courtesy the rather sensuous commercial. This has led to speculations about a budding relationship between them.
In a recent interview, Amit even admitted that he would love to date Taapsee. The actress laughs, "It's really sweet of him to say that. He is a gem of a person and one of the best co-stars I have ever worked with. Amit spoils you so bad that you can't help but miss him when you go on other shoots."
Prod Taapsee some more and she flashes her winsome smile: "If a date means having a good meal together with lot of laughs then we already have had many and will continue to have many more of them."
- Noyon Jyoti Parasara. Bollywood News Service
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